
Policy Academic Governance Examinations Procedure for Students

Examinations Procedure for Students


This procedure supports the Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy (LTA Policy) and provides guidance and direction to staff and students relating to the conditions and processes for the conduct of Examinations.


This procedure applies to all students enrolled in coursework subjects, and all staff involved in the delivery of Undergraduate and Postgraduate coursework assessment by examination at 黑料网.

This procedure applies to the following Examination options:

  • End of Study Period Examinations generally held during the Examination Periods
  • On Course Examinations held outside the Examinations periods and advised via the subject outlines or college communications
  • Supplementary Examinations
  • Deferred Examinations
  • Special Examinations

This procedure does not apply to:

  • Assessment in English Language courses and short courses; or
  • Assessment undertaken by JCU students in courses or units at other education institutions (e.g., cross-institutional study, outbound mobility study arrangements).


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Learning Teaching and Assessment Policy or the Policy Glossary.

Deferred Examination –is a delay (postponement) to the start date of an Examination and awarded in accordance with the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Procedure. It is timetabled during the Supplementary/Deferred Examination Period. These days are designated on the Academic Calendar as supplementary/deferred Examinations Periods.

End of Study Period Examinations – an Examination (also known as a formal exam) for a study period that is timetabled within the Examination Periods or where it does not fit within the Examination Period during teaching weeks as agreed between the relevant college and Examination Office.

Examiner – Academic staff member or affiliate responsible for setting and/or marking the Examination.

Examination Period – means the span of days designated on the Academic Calendar when the End of Study Period Examinations may be scheduled

Examination Supervisor – a person approved by the University assigned to oversee and invigilate the conduct of examinations.

Examination Office – a centralised unit that undertakes the administration and timetabling of End of Study Period, Deferred and Supplementary examinations. This is the:

  • Examinations and Graduations Unit for all JCUA campuses except Brisbane and Singapore.
  • JCU Brisbane Examinations for the Brisbane campus; and
  • JCU Examinations for the Singapore campus

On Course Examinations – an Examination held outside the Examination Period for a study period or trimester and managed by an Academic Unit and advised to the student in the Subject Outline. These examinations may also be referred to in the Subject Outline as mid-term, mid semester, in class, examinations or tests and quizzes.

Permitted Materials – are materials made available/allowed during an Examination.

Reader – A person approved by AccessAbility services to attend an Examination with a student to read the examination questions to the student.

Scribe – A person approved by AccessAbility services to attend an Examination with a student for the purpose of writing/or typing the student’s answers to the examination questions on their behalf.

Special Circumstances – are events or experiences that occurs during the Examination Period and are unforeseen and beyond the student’s control to prevent or overcome.

Special Examination – an Examination approved by a College Dean.

Study Site – an approved physical location for Examinations.

Supplementary Examination – an additional assessment to determine if a student has achieved the subject learning outcomes and/or requirements to pass the subject. It is timetabled during the Supplementary/Deferred Examination Period. These days are designated on the Academic Calendar as supplementary/deferred Examinations Periods.


1. The University prescribes to the following exam types:

1.1 Online Respondus Exam (on campus) - this type of exam is run in LearnJCU using the “test” tool and Respondus Lockdown Browser. Students will answer questions directly in the LearnJCU test response boxes. Online Respondus Exams are held at a Study Site with in-person invigilation.

1.2 Hard Copy Exam - this type of exam requires students to handwrite answers directly onto an exam paper, answer booklet or scanner sheet provided by JCU. Hard copy exams are held at a Study Site with in-person invigilation.

1.3 Practical Exam - this type of exam requires students to perform practical tasks and/or respond to questions and/or scenarios as individuals or in groups. Practical exams are held at a Study Site with in-person invigilation.

1.4 Oral Exam - this type of exam requires students to respond verbally, by photo, sounds or graphic representation to questions posed verbally or in writing by an Examiner. Oral exams are held at a Study Site with in-person invigilation.

1.5 Online LearnJCU Exam - this type of exam is run in LearnJCU using the “test” tool. Students will answer questions directly in the LearnJCU test response boxes and/or upload files to the LearnJCU test.

1.6 Online Respondus exam - this type of exam is run in LearnJCU using the “test” tool and Respondus Lockdown Browser. Students will answer questions directly in the LearnJCU test response boxes

1.7 Online Respondus Exam with Monitor - this type of exam is run in LearnJCU using the “test” tool and Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor. Students will answer questions directly in the LearnJCU test response boxes and will be recorded using a webcam

1.8 Online Oral Exam - this type of exam is run in LearnJCU using Collaborate with individual students. Students will respond verbally, by photo, sounds or graphic representation to questions that are posed verbally or in writing.

1.9 Online Assignment - this type of exam is run under exam conditions and is released and due via LearnJCU during the Examination Period. Students will submit file(s) to a LearnJCU submission portal/dropbox.

2. General Requirements before and during Examinations

2.1 All students must adhere to the conditions outlined in this procedure and Appendix 1 Examination requirements or otherwise may be subject to a review under the Student Code of Conduct Policy and/or the Academic Misconduct Procedure.

2.2 Students requiring reasonable adjustments because of a documented disability, injury, or illness, must be registered with AccessAbility Services.  If any changes to already agreed reasonable adjustments are required for an Examination Period or a new adjustment is required unexpectedly, a request must be submitted at least 15 university working days prior to the commencement of the Examination Period.  Adjustments will then be assessed on an individual basis and may not be approved.

2.3 All students must:

2.3.1 for End of Study Period, Deferred and Supplementary Examinations access their personal examination timetable as instructed prior to the relevant Examination Period:

a. Students at campuses except Singapore and Brisbane can obtain a personalised timetable via StudentsOnline and the JCU Student App. A copy of their timetable will also be emailed to student’s JCU email address.

b. Students studying on the JCU Singapore (JCUS) campus must to refer to the Singapore website for details of a timetable.

c. Students studying on the JCU Brisbane (JCUB) campus must to refer to the Brisbane website for details of a personalised timetable.

2.3.2 read their subject outline to note the commencement date for End of Study Period and On Course Examinations.

2.3.3 be available for Examinations at the times specified in the examination timetable provided or as identified in subject outlines unless the student has an approved adjustment as part of an AccessAbility Plan. Otherwise students may only apply to defer their exam in accordance with the Special Consideration Procedure.

2.3.4 comply with all instructions provided for an Examination. Instructions provided via an email notification, stated by an Examination Supervisor or documented in LearnJCU will include:

a. System requirements

b. Identification requirements

c. Timeframes for entry and exit of an Examination

d. Permitted Materials

e. Reading time requirements

2.3.5 familiarise themselves with the Permitted Materials for each Examination, including whether any books or pre-prepared notes are permitted.

2.3.6 ensure they can meet the identification requirements listed in Appendix 1 Examination requirements or otherwise contact the Examination office for alternate arrangements prior to the schedule date of the Examination.

2.3.7 provide their own pens, pencils and erasers for an Examination where needed to perform the Examination.

2.3.8 not attempt any action or inaction defined in the Academic Misconduct Procedure in relation to an examination. This includes but not limited to:

a. sharing Permitted Materials with other students during the Examination or bringing any non-permitted materials into the Examination

b. communicating with any person or thing that is not the Examination Supervisor, a JCU Staff member, an approved Reader and Scribe, or patients and other group members during practical Examinations.  This also applies during any temporary absence from the examination room during the Examination.

2.4 A student who does not arrive within the timetabled entry time for an Examination at a JCU Study Site or presented online, will receive an outcome of DNS (did not submit). Refer Appendix 1 Examination requirements for specific Exam Types.

2.5 If a student with an Attendance Mode of Internal is unable to undertake their Examination at their course campus, due to Special Circumstances, they may apply for a change of venue before the scheduled date of the Examination. Applications must be submitted is via email as detailed below and supporting evidence must be supplied. If an alternate venue is approved, the student will be responsible for all associated costs:

3. Interruption to an Examination

3.1 For Examination types held at Study Sites including Online Respondus Exam (on campus) Hard Copy, Oral and Practical Exams:

3.1.1 For an interruption that is deemed likely to disrupt the progress of students in the Examination, the Examination Supervisor, Security or emergency services personnel will evacuate the examination room as necessary. The examination papers and all examination materials must be left in the examination room and the room locked.

3.1.2 The Examination may be stopped by the Examination Supervisor if serious student access issues are encountered during the examination.

3.1.3 Where the Examination was stopped, it will be documented by the Examination Supervisor and the subsequent report sent to the relevant Examinations Office. The Manager, Examinations and Graduation, JCUS Examinations Manager or the JCUB Academic Support Manager will provide a copy of the report and a list of all affected students to the relevant Subject Coordinator for approval of a Deferred Examination.  If approved, the relevant Examinations Office will enter the Deferred Examination in the student management system and advise the affected students via their JCU email address of the Deferred Examination details.

3.2 For examination types not held at Study Sites including Online LearnJCU Exam, Online Respondus Exam, Online Oral Exam and Online Assignments:

3.2.1 If a disruption or interruption occurs, for example a power outage, loss of internet access or equipment failure the student if studying at; any campus other than Brisbane or Singapore must make contact with the relevant college using the details provided by the college. JCU Singapore must contact exams-singapore@jcu.edu.au JCU Brisbane must contact academicadmin@jcub.edu.au

3.2.2 Where the student has not commenced the Examination and the disruption or interruption to the exam cannot be resolved under Clause 3.2.1 the student can apply for an adjustment under the Special Consideration Procedure.

3.2.3 Where the student has commenced the Examination the college/academic unit exam support team (黑料网 Australia) or Examination Office (JCU Singapore or Brisbane) will provide a list of all affected students to the relevant Subject Coordinator for approval of a Deferred Examination. If approved, the relevant Examinations Office will enter the Deferred Examination in the student management system and advise the affected students via their JCU email address of the Deferred Examination details.

4. Staff Attendance Requirements

4.1 On the day of the Examination a member of the teaching team must be contactable to respond to urgent questions or issues arising with the examination.

4.2 For examinations held on a study site, all Staff, excluding the Examination Supervisor/s, must leave the exam room when the Examination Supervisor indicates the Examination is about to start, unless a staff member is expressly permitted to stay by the Examination Supervisor.

5. Timetabling for End of Study Period Examinations and Supplementary/Deferred Examinations

5.1 The Examination timetable must comply with the following requirements unless accreditation/registration requirements state otherwise:

5.1.1 No more than two Examinations in a calendar day.

5.1.2 Total examination time in a single calendar day should not exceed seven hours, excluding examinations with approved reasonable adjustments under the Student Disabilities Policy.

5.1.3 No more than five Examinations in six successive calendar days.

5.1.4 Where a student has two Examinations on the one calendar day, there must be no Examination scheduled to commence after 6pm of the previous day, and no Examination scheduled to commence before 8am of the following day.

5.1.5 Examinations may be scheduled to commence between the hours of 8.00am and 6.30pm, excluding Sundays and public holidays.

5.2 The Manager, Examinations and Graduations, JCUS Examinations Manager or the JCUB Academic Support Manager will obtain approval from the Subject Coordinator for a student to be offered a Deferred Examination for each subject that is unable to be scheduled under the requirements noted below:

5.2.1 If a student's Examination timetable cannot be developed to comply with clause 5.1.

5.2.2 If the University is unable to arrange an Examination where reasonable adjustments have been approved by AccessAbility Services

5.3 Deferred Examinations and Supplementary Examinations will be timetabled to occur during the Supplementary/Deferred Examination Periods unless a variation to the date is otherwise arranged by the College/Academic Unit.

5.4 The final examination timetable for an Examination Period will be released to students at least 5 weeks prior to the commencement of the Examination Period for study periods 1 and 2 and at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the Examination Period for all other study periods.

5.5 For Examinations hosted in LearnJCU, the Examination instructions will be published by the College/Academic Unit in Learn JCU at least two weeks prior to the Examination.

5.6 Once the final examination timetable has been published, timetable changes must be authorised by the Academic Head and will occur only in exceptional circumstances and will be emailed by the relevant Examinations Office, to all affected students via their JCU email address.

6. Timetabling of Special Examinations

6.1 Special Examinations will be timetabled to occur before or during the next upcoming Examination Period or Supplementary/Deferred Examination Period.

6.2 Examination instructions will be advised to the student by the College/Academic Unit.

7. Recorded Examinations

7.1 Recorded online Examinations may be used to investigate cheating or any other academic misconduct or in the case of oral Examinations for the purpose of moderation.  All recorded footage will only be accessed by persons authorised by the University and may be shared with internal and external investigators. The footage constitutes personal information and will be stored and available for access under the University’s Information Privacy Policy.

Related policy instruments

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Procedures

JCU Student Code of Conduct

Academic Misconduct Procedure

Special Consideration Procedure

Student Disability Policy



NOTE: Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Learning and Teaching

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



23-220/03/202320/03/2023Clauses 2.1, 2.3.6 and 2.4 amended to improve clarity; annexure renamed Appendix 1 – Examination requirements.Manager, Examinations and Graduations




The Examinations Procedure has been separated into two procedures, this one applying to students and the other applying to staff.

Deputy Director, Student Services




Procedure established to support the amended Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy and disestablishment of the Examinations Requirements Policy and Student Access to a Dictionary During an Examination Policy

Manager, Student Finance and Examinations


Examination, dictionary, permitted material, Respondus, monitor, invigilated, online, on-campus, LearnJCU

Contact person

Manager, Examinations and Graduations