Information for landlords
Landlords in the private sector play a vital role in housing a large proportion of our students.
The dramatic growth of the University has created a huge demand for good quality, well managed property across many areas of the city.
Although the ºÚÁÏÍø works closely with Worcester City Council to advertise licensed student shared properties in the local area, it does however reserve the right to refuse permission for a landlord to advertise on its Studentpad website. Decisions to remove an existing landlord from the register, or prevent a new landlord from advertising, will be made by the Residential Experience Manager. The outcome of this will be non-negotiable.
For more information on Studentpad, please view our private accommodation page.
Download our guide
Our information for landlords provides guidance on a range of issues, including:
- Rents
- Property standards and facilities
- Tenancy Agreements
- Deposits, inventories, council tax and utility bills
- Repairs
Contact us
If you are a private landlord interested in providing student accommodation please call us on: 01905 855137 / 855300.